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*i understand why '50s housewives relied so much on valium. but they didn't have to deal with '00s college students. 2001-11-16 5:08 p.m.*

i'm about ready to throw dishes! our kitchen is disgusting. or well, it's less disgusting now that i've lysoled things. but there was fucking black moldy stuff in our sink. not happy at all! i emptied the dishwasher ('cause apparently that was too hard for the person who's been using some of the dishes in it to do), and put all the disgusting dishes from the counter and sink in it, i wiped down the counters, and cleaned the black moldy stuff from under the sponges, and made the drain work again and not smell like ass, and took the garbage out, again. i hope nobody mind's eating at the coffee table. i cleaned that off, and put things where i could find spots for them, and i wiped that down too (and it was also very gross). i'm really not wanting to deal with cleaning the dinner table, and we're going to be watching a movie anyway.

i've been in such a grumbly mood still today, and this whole cleaning fiasco has added a headache to the mix. and it makes me particularly sad, because i was so looking forward to tonight. i will get to hang out with my friends and watch anne of green gables and cook good food for them. that makes me happy. it's my fucking house that makes me want to hurt things.

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