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*and i am the statue of liberty, one inch long. 2001-07-05 6:26 p.m.*

james has already called, so i can sit on the internet forever avoiding phone calls from my manager. i also already got snagged by the credit card company but could tell them i'd made a payment, yay.

but yes, phone call. there's that zine, "consider yourself kissed," (ps, pony, can i write something for yours? or do something exciting for it? we can interview each other? *laughs*) and i think james should have a label on her voice that says "consider yourself hugged." like thos hugs from behind where my breasts don't get in the way and i am just completely in her arms and safe and warm and enfolded in a tangible you can point at it love. you can point at that shine right there in her eye and say "she loves me." you can point at the crook in her arm where it bends around me and say, "she loves me." you can point at her lips touching my shoulder and say, "she loves me." or you can hear it in her voice or feel it in the air. but this is if you are me. yyyyes. though we are abraham isaac kook and "i love everybody." so whatever.

she and i giggled and awwwwed on the phone today about how adam had a crush on me. it's silly how warm and fuzzy that makes me feel. but i mean, god, high school. i didn't think anyone could ever like me in high school. it's very validating to know that this boy, this really cool boy, liked me. yay for life sometimes. it makes me want to make movies.

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