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*You must reach inside yourselves where I live like a story, not old, not young, laughing at my own sorrows, weeping pearls at weddings, wielding a torch to melt sand into something clear and bright. 2001-07-05 10:06 p.m.*

i am looking in my kitten's eyes contemplating whether or not to write a letter yet tonight. were i to write a letter, it, too, would start out about my kitten's eyes, and the amazing colors in them.

i've been reading beauty and the rose this evening. francesca lia block is too fucking cool. i posted this to my quote list:

You can go out into the world and show others. They will feel less alone because of you, they will feel understood, unburdened by you, awakened by you, freed of guilt and shame and sorrow. But to share with them you must wear shoes you must go out you must not hide you must dance and it will be harder you must face jealousy and sometimes rage and desire and love which can hurt most of all because of what can then be taken away.

oooooo. *shivers*

anyway... i changed my poll, and it says over at bravenet that it's supposed tobe the new poll, but it's just not, so i don't understand. we shall see. as it stood though, pirates wone. 16. followed by pirates in the circus, 10, and then the curcus, 7. i think that's how it was. i am quite satisfied. we'll see how this new poll goes. if it ever shows up.

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