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*home again home again jiggety jog, jesus. 2001-11-02 6:49 p.m.*

so, i'm thinking i'm finally starting to sort things in my head. weirdly, i had a really good conversation with the eastern religions professor today about ave, sept. 11, why the academic study of religion sucks, etc. very good time was had by all, i think.

i'm home now. first time in a long time. my kitten is relieved. i am, too. though part of me is already sort of getting lonely for people at campus. but i think it will be good to have some me time.

i've been thinking a lot about the laurel tree situation, and i just read her entry, and it's funny because as weird as the whole situation is, i think we're actually a lot on the same wavelength. i think we're both just feeling a need for physical affection, and if kissing is part of that, that's cool, but i don't think either of us see that it will or want it to go further than that. i think the only problem right now is that now that kissing has been introduced, there's this question of what each other's wants and expectations are, and i think the comfort level that led to the question of kissing has kind of been diminished, which is sad. but at the same time, i think there's been a lot of open flow of communication. but i think we're both aware that this could potentially be painful to either party. but when we do cuddle, i feel extremely comfortable and good, and i hope that we can give each other the level of physical affection that i think we both need.

and now i really want to pay some attention to my kitten. take care, everyone.

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