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*crunchie bars! crunchie bars! 2001-05-16 3:30 p.m.*

what a good good good good good good day.

i woke up and went to marriott and there was the girl with the ocean blue eyes and soft knowing hands, and gave her the letter and hid while she read it, and when i got back there was a letter for me and it made me gooey. and then we tortured each other because we both had work to do but ended up giving in to all kinds of temptations. and then i was all comfy on her bed while she did some work.

after awhile i left so i could do work but first get the mysterious package in the mailroom. i dropped kitten off in b-dorm and saw the cutest site in the world. awhile back miki bought a beauty parlour set for b-dorm, with blowdry chairs and spinning chairs. and as i passed the window i saw our cleaning lady spinning around on one of the chairs. it made me happy.

and my package made me way happy, too. it was from the girl that some would call buttercup. and it was full of cadbury chocolate goodness and yay golden syrup oatmeal and stickers and just all kinds of happy wonderfulness and i will hug her bunches when she gets home.

as i was walking back i saw the cleaning lady and gave her one of the crunchie bars. you know all is well in the world when i will give away crunchie bars.

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