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*yay for people, part the second. 2002-04-15 1:13 p.m.*

michael came over last night, because she can see and that's happy. we spent a long time on the phone discussing what movies could be watched when she came over, but then we decided she should just come over and we'd figure it out from there. of course when she came over our time wound up being spent laying on my bed, singing along with the radio, and generally saying stupid giggly things. but there were a few breaks in that.

sometimes i'm very aware that that girl is a psych major. like, last night, i had this venting time, where i tried to find that psychic unitchable spot, and she just listened, with advice in there and stuff. and i was all like, "who needs professional counsellors when i have this girl?" it always feels weird, but somewhat comforting. but yeah, what may be the problem is me just being terrified of the boredom of this summer. i've definitely noticed this trend toward socialness rather than inwardness lately and it scares me a bit. i would like to say that given the necessity, i would be perfectly happy alone. i mean, i've done it before-- i was pretty antisocial in high school and in england i spent most of my time hanging out alone and it was okay-- but now the idea just tenses me all up. and i think i've decided that yes, i will stay here all summer, mainly for financial reasons (bobo money!), and i mean, that means more of where i am now, with my morally ambiguous job, myself, plus... my thesis. beh, i'm getting the tense panicky feeling i got at the end of last semester. and then, after i got through all of that stuff about the summer, i just broke into tears when i said, "and i'm going to have to live with my kitchen." i really need to figure out a constructive way of dealing with this, because deciding not to eat because the kitchen is too gross is not the way to go.

but yeah, after the michael nesrop psychiatric couch hour, it was back to the michael nesrop comedy hour, which is really what most times is between us. more giggling and singing to 101.5 and me trying to dance while laying on my back and discussing the state of my hair and more fun stuff, and then we decided to play madlibs, which we wound up doing until i almost fell asleep. give me a woman with racist knees any day! and if you know any despondent males i know a shimmery radicool male who's looking for him.

ah yes, my hair. it's blond now. like scarily white blond. i love it. it does sort of remind me of when the albertsons go to las vegas at the end of waiting for guffman and she has that insane hair, but... i'm not trying to impress anyone with my hair, i'm just excited that i got it this fucking white! it's kind of insanely fluffy right now too, which i'm not so into, but is sort of fun in its way. but soon i will bathe and theoretically that will calm its shit down some.

so yeah, things are looking less bad due to some venting time and an intense bleach job.

oh and i've been so glad to be hanging out with laurel tree more often. she's a fun girl, and she's good to talk to. i'm really excited about living with her and jennifer connelly next year. i think this will be a good thing. we will be some fun girls. woot woot! move over our room too fat, or should i say "phat."

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