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*do you want to know a secret? do you promise not to tell? woah, closer. let me whisper in your ear. 2002-03-05 12:58 a.m.*

does anyone know why bravenet is being such a rat bastard? i've figured out the slow loadingness of this site and it's because of my poll. i'm thinking of doing some sort of redesign soon, so perhaps i will get rid of it, or make it a link or something. i don't know. it makes me sad that bravenet is down. remember the notes!

so, apparently the secret that ate missouri has still not been told or at least that's what blackbird says. honestly it's sort of disappointing. i'd already resigned myself to its being told and was thinking of a few pros, such as that at least i could get some advice, but now, i feel a little weird. (no, guys, i'm not straight, nor am i french.)

we hung out in that room for awhile, with apb and blackbird and dykesscent, after hanging out in a nice chill undrunken manner with retro. i gave her some nice downtime reading material, and we talked about dumb boys and japan. but the michael was very sleepy so now i am back home. i should probably go to bed soon myself, because of kickboxing, but i've been enjoying my late nights so. oh the decisions of my life. maybe i should just go watch waiting for guffman again. perhaps not.

(addendum 2:56 am: i'm thinking i'm not liking this so much, but now i am tired. maybe i'll leave it like this for a bit, though, and revel in the shear obnoxiousness. *cheeky grin*)

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