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*you kicked checkers, you're prejudiced and you have a potty mouth! 2002-03-04 6:56 p.m.*

i still hurt a whole lot. and i'm bleeding insanely. which you may not want to know about.

michael and i hung out at the four winds for a good chunk of the day. i had lots of hot cozy beverages and read a lot of zines. it was really nice. and once again we had one of those conversations that reinforced my belief in my own sanity and that's always a good feeling.

we watched dick finally, which was the other movie that was rented for the film festival that had only one film. sooo funny. i wish we had watched it, especially in the giggly fun mood we were at the beginning of the fest. and maybe then i wouldn't have woken up with that bube made a kishke song in my head. but yeah, i am very afraid that those two giggly weird ditzy girls are actually michael and myself.

but now michael has left for the land of sleepy workdoing, and i need to figure out if i want to curl up in a ball with anne of the island, food, a pillow, or any combination of those.

but it is funny how easily quotes from the 2 films can go together... dick disturbs me. medicine man not go near dances with stumpy. oh, good lord, i'm on crack.+

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