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*wants. 2001-09-23 1:18 a.m.*

i should be sleeping, but i want to write something deep and meaningful.

i want to write about big overflowing love, filling my heart to bursting, and how much it hurts, in a way that i think is good.

i want to write about why jennifer connelly should not worry so much about taking care of willow tree, nor should she worry so much about how much she worries or does not worry about willow tree.

i want to coo and gush over the kitten that has curled up in my dollhouse.

i want to write something that is worth reading.

i want to tell you about how cool new college can be sometimes, and how majorly it can suck ass.

i want to have concrete opinions about world issues to share with you.

i want to feel less floaty.

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