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*i don't want anybody else. when i think about you i touch myself. 2001-09-22 2:53 a.m.*

it was supergood. and i biked home and got home safe (and i wish i could call you and tell you that i am home safe, but you don't even know that i might not have been safe, though honestly i feel safest biking home at night. a lot less cars and people in general to laugh or honk or whistle or say "i like your outfit do you like mine?"... but it's scary before i leave, and when i get to the fumbling with the housekeys bit).

there was some heavy making out going on, and i was not a part of it, though my husband's boyfriend kissed me despite my many protestations, and michael tried to kiss me before she understood that i was pointing at my cleavage to show her the sign that said no kiss. i danced lots and prince chris gave me a hershey's kiss. and boomer no longer has bronchitis, though catnipboy and i have suspiciously similar named forms of bronchitis.

hm. i just sneezed. and mirandom was not at the wall because she probably has real bronchitis. but i am fine. yes.

what else? i feel like there was more to say. i do not know. goodnight.

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