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*�I�m smart, sexy- and any guy who gets a shot at going out with me is luckier than Backstreet Boys on TRL.� 2002-04-17 4:53 p.m.*

yeah, so i got up at 12:30. not sure why. i had nothing to do till 6 pm, but my eyes opened and my brain started working and my toes started tapping, or wanting to tap, or at least not be covered in blankets. so i got up, and it wasn't really until the past half hour that my body started saying, "um, hi. we aren't used to this shit, hun. we like our sleep and we like it long and we don't like this 5 hours (which yes, i know, is really not that short of a sleep) crap." my eyes are getting drowsyish, and the odd achies that were around yesterday are coming back. of course, with my poor naptaking skills, i know that giving myself an hour is by no means enough, because at least half of that will be me trying to fall asleep, so i'm going to tough it out till kickboxing, and then maybe for once in my life, tonight, i might fall asleep on the massage table. i'm still debating whether getting a massage is a wise choice, because of the 10 pm dance practice showy offy thing, but maybe if i get it early enough in the evening, and see enough exciting dances before it's us, i'll be all ready and raring to go or some shit.

but yeah, after i woke up, i called michael, and she suggested food, which was just what i was thinking about, so we went to el greco (mmm... spanikopita... mmm.. tsatsiki sauce... mmm... chocolate decadence mousse... mmm...). and then i went to her house while she made some phone calls, and then we went to participate in poodle's psych thesis. there was pizza involved, and since i am a college student, despite the fact that i was absurdly full, i had a piece, and see, another reason why sleep would not be happening.

anyway... apparently the subject line of this entry is supposed to be my mantra, but i think it should be more along the lines of, "i am not a stalker! yay for me!" because i mean, i do my share of crush obsessing and things, and there are times i wonder if it's healthy, but good christ, man, if the advice ym gives about how to get a date is healthy, i'm perfectly fine. in fact i should be set up as a symbol of complete collectiveness and rationality in dealing with crushes. i decided to check out the entry retro told me about in shortstories about the ym article on how to get a date, and believe me you should too. i'm in jennifer connelly's room right now and she is doing work, and i've been giggling along here, and then i got to this point where i laughed in a way comparable to michael's patented cackle, to which jennifer connelly replied, "dude!" yes. read it. it will induce laughter thaat will make those around you say, "dude." good times.

now, i'm going to go sit on the floor in the lotus position, put my hands in my favorite mudra, and repeat my new mantra over and over again. �i�m smart, sexy- and any guy who gets a shot at going out with me is luckier than backstreet boys on trl. i�m smart, sexy- and any guy who gets a shot at going out with me is luckier than backstreet boys on trl.� the buddha would be so proud.

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