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*big-time fashion designers line up to dress her, but her latest accessory isn't gucci, fendi, or versace-- it's an engagement ring from lontime love, gavin rossdale of the brit rock group, bush. want the deets? read on. 2002-04-18 3:57 p.m.*

hey, you wanna hear something really funny and unexpected? if you need me to know something, like that there's a meeting or that something's already been done or hasn't been done and needs to be done, you might have to tell me, 'cause you know what, i might not know it. and you know what else? that doesn't make me dumb. my inability to read your mind does not make me deserve to be spoken to like i'm a 5 year old.

just, you know, for future reference. not like that's happened to me or anything.

otherwise, things are good. yesterday, kickboxing kicked ass. i was in such a mood to just work so hard, and we did and it was great and i hurt afterwards and i was shaking and i loved it. and then i had to sit for a long time before i could conceive of standing long enough to take a shower, but i finally took that shower and that was really amazing, too.

and i got a massage from michael at clinic and it was really really good, but my bobo bladder! the problem with having clinic on wednesdays is that there's massage an hour after i get done, but i drink so much water after kickboxing. so yeah. i had to stop the massage midway for a potty break, and then i just wound up telling michael to end it early because i had to pee again, so badly. this trend does not make me happy, and i'm not sure how to make it stop. i can't not drink water after kickboxing. i'm thinking i should probably get my massages later in the evening.

and we had our dance thing where we showed each other our dances and critiqued them, and of course, there was someone there who can always be counted on to give a bitchy random comment. "yeah, it's cute that you guys are all offtime. is that on purpose or do you plan to be on the beats when you perform?" but otherwise, we had a fun time, and the other dances are way fun, and i'm excited.

and then there was waffle house yumminess and the jukebox which was fun, except that it decided to play "raisin toast" rather than "damn i wish i was your lover." but the disappointment at that was made up when i told the waitress about it and i said, "i don't see how i could have accidentally pressed 112 while trying to play 128," and she said, "oh! 'damn i wish i was your lover' is a great song." i asked her how she knew the numbers of the songs on the jukebox and she said she'd just worked there too long.

and then michael and i came back here and had an 80s dance party in my main room. that was fun, and even john joined in, drumming on the counter. michael and i have discovered many knew scandalous dance moves, so that's fun.

and yeah... so those are the deets of yesterday.

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