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*'cause i can play this air guitar and someday i'll be a star on broadway (on broadway). 2002-04-17 7:05 a.m.*

good morning. i just got home and boy are my arms tired. no.

see, i left retro's just because of this whole "saying stupid nonsensical non sequiturs when you're tired" thing. and btw, i can't type.

but yeah, i never found michael, but when i got home about 15 minutes ago, there were ims from her asking to go to perkins and all that stuff, right about from when i gave up calling her. i was sort of on my way to walk to her house, and got distracted by weird pornographic mcdonald's toys on the free table when i ran into bug and retro and afer warning them that i was in such a spacey state that i'd probably just stare at a patch on the wall, retro and i wound up hanging out in her room for, what 4 hours? talking about accents and religion and gogo snape and faerie tales and drag and the heyday of gulf gate mall and all kinds of fun stuff.

and then i realized it was way morning time and i should go home and get to bed, so i walked home and watched the sunrise and also the homeless man in front of me. meditative beautiful saddish moment there.

and yo, our house is clean! i still want to have a talk with the husband to see if we can ensure that it won't get like how it was, but this time, walking into my house actually relieved my tension rather than increased it.

and now that i'm feeling less displaced about my evening, i can sit and think and daydream about how cool our room is going to be next year. i suddenly just thought about that time when james and i first got together and we'd all hang out in jennifer connelly's room and do art and stuff. i hope we have good times like that next year. i think it's quite possible.

but yes, it's 7 am and it's getting bright out and i'm a tired girl. goodnight, folks.

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