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*sorry, actionhero, my crush crushed back. 2001-09-22 12:10 a.m.*

it is kiss your crush tonight. i feel so proud of refreaka, because she totally started this trend. and she will not be here, though she will be here later this weekend. i have a "no" sign, with lips inside written on my chest, and "unkissable" on a napkin hanging out of my pocket. and if anybody asks, i will say, "i have bronchitis. her name is james." i am kind of nervous that this evening will make me sad, but then i think how exciting it is for my girl that she gets to go home. and besides jennifer connelly says that my unkissableness will make me all the more desirable. which i kind of like. it's nice to be hot and sexy, yo. and to get to say, "no, i am sorry, but i've got me the most beautiful, bestest girl in the world, and therefore, i cannot kiss you, as much as you desparately want me to." and then you can laugh haughtily.

but yes, tonight has been supergood. there was a poetry reading at the four ones, and jennifer connelly read some beautiful stuff, and i told about the night at the bay, and we sang all of those songs, and it felt good, and hilary swank mouthed "thank you" and i think we did something really good for a lot of people. yay for us, yo! and so many people did such beautiful pieces. there is hope for us yet.

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