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**blink blink blink* (tiny naps) 2001-06-06 1:42 a.m.*

if you gotta have a theme song, mine would be tori's twinkle. which i actually haven't listened to tonight. should do that. but i decided to trade the tori for cheesy dance music that i bought in england. to keep the sad at bay.

i got a sweet sweet email from my girl, and i wish i could hug her right now. and right now. and right now, too. i'm so glad we have what we have, but it's hard, missing her so much.

i started the new old journal site. i think it's this url but i may be wrong, so if you got here like right after i wrote this and the url doesn't work, click refresh on this page a few times and the correct link should be there. it's not anonymous. not that this actually is. and i'm embarassed as all hell by most of it, so if you want to write encouraging comments in this here guestbook, i would not be opposed to that.

i should be sleeping. i really should. but i always seem to avoid that, in the way that i avoid getting out of bed in the morning. i guess i'll crawl into bed with all my books, and a book, and read until my eyes can't take it. first though, to the bathroom where i will drink directly from the tap, because it's easier than having to go get a bottle of water from the kitchen, and i don't have to worry about the light waking mom up.

nighty night! i heart you! sleep well!

*listening to: *
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