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*seems we got a cheaper feel now. 2001-06-05 10:50 p.m.*

sam and mystic's im names both start with my, and i was talking to both of them, and sam was telling me he was going to read before going to bed, and i thought he was mystic, so i wrote "nighty night! i heart you!" which i do, being heart girl and all, but it was funny, because it's not something i would generally say to sam. i mean, i tell him he's cool to an obnoxious degree (i tell him he's cool so many times that it's obnoxious, i don't tell him he's so cool it's obnoxious), but yeah, he's not the coolest high school girl ever, excluding my sister, and that's how i talk to the coolest high school girl ever.

i'm eating tostitos and i dropped some on the floor in a cat petting incident, and secret's eating them. silly girl.

okay, so now it's time for the 11 o' clock melancholy, partially induced by tori. i was listening to "1,000 oceans" and now i'm feeling all sombre and lonely, in a way that i haven't since... oh, about 11:00 last night.

so paging through the old middle school diary may not be the best idea in the world. the high school diary is not much better. i talk about boys to a distressing degree. oh, and good, here's the coming out i'm going to hell journal. oh it's so horrible. it's so horrible that i felt like that. my religion was such a painful thing to me, then.

i keep waffling back and forth about whether to post these and where to post them and all that stuff. i think i'll start a new diaryland thing for it, or maybe try a different free diary site, so that i don't have to relogin to both. i have a scribble.nu diary... actually 2 (one for the family to read while i was in england, and one from last summer-winter, because i had no ftp)... so i won't use that. hm... we'll see.

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