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*thunder, thunder on the mountain there's a rain cloud in the desert sky in the distance she saw me coming 'round i was calling out i was calling out... 2002-03-17 9:47 p.m.*

i just put a bunch of different cds in my cd player. i had the last 30 cds from wall-making left in there for ages, and then i had bitch and animal's eternally hard in there for a long time just on repeat of that cd. but now i have some peacefulness. so far i've listened to 3 songs. something brian eno, "trip through your wires" by u2, and now it's pete seeger singing "we shall overcome."

i'm feeling a little gloomy today, again. i wonder why i've got this funk following around. i feel like a cartoon character with a thundercloud over their head. i just get in such sulky funks lately. i think part of it's the iffy state of my tummy, and part of it are my shin splints, and part of it is just me being me. most of the time, yes, i am a wellspring of positive energy, but these days, i've just been easily set off. "and the past is now your future it bears witness to your soul be sure the blood you offer does not fall on barren soil."

my knuckles looks shiny and blistery now, no longer with little pinprick spots of spreading red. yeah, so i had 15 minutes to kill, so i decided to see if i have any sort of oomph in my punches, on the punching bag while waiting for dance practice. i managed to scrape the top layer of skin off of 3 knuckles on my right hand, and 2 on my left hand, and there's a weird scraped up spot between my pinky and ring finger on my right hand which i'm not sure exactly how it happened. earlier, after i'd wiped them off and the blood came out, fresh, in little dots spreading until each knuckle was a spot of red, they reminded me of tiny little skinned knees.

my shin splints acted up terribly today, and i called my legs several thousand nasty names. i lay down with a book, and felt like i was nursing period cramps, but after about an hour of just layingthereness, the pain lessened. and then i got to watch the lush and wonderful snow white on the wonderful world of disney, but just when i got done cataloguing the yucky parts of my day in my diary, michael showed up and now we will go drink tea.

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