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*i see myself in the pouring rain, watch hope come over me. 2002-03-17 11:29 p.m.*

michael and i drank tea and then watched some survivor-esque show that involved shots of spelunking that made me claustrophobic just watching it. and now she went home to get bring it on, and we're going to watch that. but i'm obsessed with updating ye olde diary, so here i am (i'm almost to my 400th entry and i've been doing this for right about a year now.)

kitten has been so cuddly lately. i picked her up today as she purred and nestled into my shoulder and it reminded me of last night with young jesus in my lap. i wish i had a human cuddling companion, but as i told kitten, they would not purr, so i guess it's okay. and now she's licking my wrists.

that snow white movie was so enjoyable. just my kind of thing, with lushness and pretty girls and scary garden gnomes chasing after the wicked queen and roygbiv dwarves. it did have that one dude that looks just like the clown that i used to have nightmares about, but he and i are pretty much reconciled. he looks a lot like a certain man who works for student affairs, and so he seems a lot less daunting. though, i still am sort of waiting for the day that student affairs man will rip his face off and show that he really is the clown of my nightmares.

dealing card games with the old man in the club car, penny a point with no one keeping score... i want to see arlo in concert again... mothers with their babes asleep, rocking to the gentle beat, and the rhythm of the rails is all they feel... i miss trains... i'm the train they call the city of new orleans, i'll be gone 500 miles when the day is done.

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