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*there was some interesting straddling in my living room while sam ate a sandwich. 2002-03-17 4:57 a.m.*

i know the yummiest people in the world, i tell you!

everyone was so fucking sexy for fetish ball tonight. in all honesty, i was feeling off for most of it. my stomach still has not gotten over whatever the fuck it's problem was a couple days ago. fortunately i decided to just go with the grumpy mood and sexify it a little bit. my fetish wound up being "sulky lesbian" and so i could look as pissed off and grumpy as i wanted to. eventually the vomitaciousness subsided, which was nice, and i was able to get into the groove and not sit on the wall, sulking. unfortunately, some songs were too cheery for even my sulky heart, so i think i lost a little bit of my edge there. but fortunately that coincided with my stomach feeling better which in turn made me feel sexier.

seriously, before fetish ball and for at least the 1st half hour, i really felt incredibly ugly. everyone was looking so hot, and i just felt really not hot. well, i felt hot in a "gee, is it hot in here or do i just have to puke" kind of way, rather than any sort of good way, really.

but yeah, everyone was so hot. michael in her corset, being a fine motherfucker, backing that ass up. asia, looking like a she-devil dominatrix. jennifer connelly being the sexy goddess she always is, with extra sparkles and flesh-showing. laurel tree getting her groove on in a wonderful way that should be seen more often. retro being uberhot in boy's undies, rawr! blackbird bein' all emo and still mad sexy. james with one sexy ass, and that "you know i'm hot" look that i can still appreciate. everybody just looking hot. i approve.

nothing soothes the savage tummy like hot chicks.

james had a birthday party at my house earlier and that was really nice. small and nice. michael and i were the old married couple who finish each other's sentences and cuddle on the couch. and young jesus curling up in my lap and having just one of those really sweet moments that make me so glad i am me and that i know the people i do. and too much fun food. and kitten being all amazonian and jungle princessy.

so much of the good. so much of the good.

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