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*s.w.a.k. 2002-04-12 4:14 p.m.*

already an oddly eventful day. but the current question is, was it the hummus or the flatbread that made me nauseated, and why? bleh. why have i suddenly become little miss weak stomach?

anyway, i woke up to the phone ringing this morning, but since i've been sleeping scantily clad of late, i haven't been answering the phone, because it takes me a really long time to find something to put on to go out and get whoever the phone is for and it's never for me. so i let it ring, but then checked the messages later and it was michael, so i called her up.

last night we talked as well, and what a day she had yesterday. her computer died, and she had another eye injury, as well as more personal stressors. that poor girl and her right eye. this time it was a stack of papers poking her in the eye. so she couldn't take me to dance practice, so i groaningly got up and walked over. rehearsal was fun. i love our dance. i feel like such a forgetful nondancertype person when i do it, but i'm hoping my general ineptitude and clutziness will be overcome in the next 3 weeks. we've got a chunk of rehearsals left, so i think i'll be okay.

and then i walked back home, and talked to jennifer connelly on im, and she wanted to go to jo ann fabrics and crafts, so i went along, and found some wonderfully disturbing mailbox fillers (i'm having this dilemma. i want to give them to completely random people, but at the same time, i don't want to waste them on people who won't appreciate them. so yeah, if you get something weird in your box in the next coupla days... it wasn't me!), and then we decided to run to toys 'r' us, since i knew where it was and she didn't, and so i got more disturbingness, and for myself a very lady lovelylocks hair accessory, and a snickers bar. and some stickers from the machine. and all for less than $5. so i'm all cool and stuff.

and then we fought traffic home and i went and checked my mail, and there were 2 books for my thesis as well as a costa rica postcard from malraux, all of which i wound up dropping in the mud, but they're all remarkably unscathed.

note to self: skirts + flip-flops + rain = bad plan. i wound up flipping muddy water up my skirt when i accidentally stepped in this puddle. bad bad scene.

oh, and someone found my diary by looking for a certain professor's name, and what a disturbing context to find it in. i may have had a rather hormonal crush on this professor for awhile. yeah. so that's bad. i swear, i'm not a sleazebag. i just have my moments. beh.

and of course, now i'm getting soooo sleepy before work. i realized that i'll be pretty busy actually for the next few days. no nap time = bobo!

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