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*gar! this is why i quit amnesty. people suck buttons. 2002-03-19 4:09 p.m.*

so, i stood in the shower today, working up the courage to call the girl in charge of pride week to tell her that i really don't want to do queer ball. i was only doing it because no one else was, i have no grand plan, it seems like other people have a grander plan, and my coworker keeps pissing me off. so i call her up, and find out all kinds of new things. they have been making plans for pride week, they already picked a week (one of those weeks where no one ever called me back about getting their wall, so um, now i need to pester them, and i really don't want to, especially since i have 2 people who will do it, and it's sooner than the other dates, and so i don't think cuteinspanish can come which is sad), and really, it is just me and the aforementioned coworker in charge. it would make me such an ass to just give it to him to do all the shit, but gar, he's been all like, "i know what's going on," when really he apparently doesn't, and i'm really just very very very annoyed and frustrated right now and really don't want to deal with people.

which is sad because i'd just gotten back into the mood for dealing with people from the grumbliness of this morning. i got up, read my guestbook (wtf? how exactly am i like cathy? i don't understand at all. i don't think i obsess about weight, boys, and shopping, or the new college equivalents of those things. anonymous person, what do you see in these ramblings that translate to that?), walked to campus, got to kickboxing late, spent the whole time shocked that i could stand as the space around my eyes pulsed small and large with the beats of the music, grumped around for a bit on my way to the 4 winds, curled up with a book until antisociality took over and i went to michael's where i lay out in the sun with my book until i felt like my bad mood had gone out through my pores. my shower afterwards was so nice, and i kept picking bits of plants out of my hair, reminding me of the wild thing fantasies i had last night as i put some tiny braids in my hair.

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