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*now, since i'm happier, maybe my headache will go away? 2002-03-19 9:41 p.m.*

i hate leaving funked out entries up, and you know, i don't post nearly enough (i like the whole "look at my last 5 posts" thing, but i'd really prefer something that has links to all the posts in the past 24 hours or something like that.), so i'll put this up here instead.

it's where grownup glbt people can post their high school and middle school pictures, in, like, support of kids who are gay and in middle school and high school. i think it's superexciting. i kind of want to send it to the listserv, but i'm not sure how many other people would be excited about saying, like, "hey, you, too, can be a glbt college student."

and of course good birthday and bacc vibes go out to james and retrocarp, respectively.

*listening to: *
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*random* *list*