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*i say the word "slit" in this entry. twice. 2002-06-06 2:20 a.m.*

so yeah... i got to work tonight, after feeling vaguely crampy all day. i knew it was coming, but wasn't sure when it would hit. at my half hour break, there it was.

so i got a pad and went back to work. and then the pain started. such insane pain i get. i wanted to call nathan and have him come pick me up. or maybe they'd let me crawl under the desk and cry if they knew how i felt. but i kept going. and took 2 midol. and then in half an hour when i still felt like my ovaries were stabbing me, i took 2 more. in a little while i felt better, but after about 20 minutes, it started coming back in full force. so i took 2 more, prepared to take as much more than i'm supposed to take in 24 hours as i needed to. after awhile the pain went away, and then my arms got tingly and my jaw went numb.

good times.

in other news, i got caught reading at work today. so i stopped, but then started again when that supervisor went home.

our house smells like cat urine. not because of cat urine, but because that's apparently what water on our carpet starts to smell like after a few days (it was right from the water heater, so it's not real urine, i promise).

i've got a mix going in my cd player of all sorts of cds that i don't think i listen to enough. a lot of them are bargain purchases that looked interesting and then got listened to once. but i have it all on random, so it's not that helpful, because i'm never quite sure what i'm listening to. but i'm struck by how much these boys sound like sade.

i went completely manic last night, with the caffeine kicking in far too late, and me being up, impatiently watching the sunrise through the tiny window above my bed, from my bed, so it was this weird upside down slit of sunrise.

tee hee, i said "slit."

oh, and look! it's south park me:

john made a great south park him, that i think he should post. you can make your own here.

(addendum 3:30 pm.) john let me post his:


*listening to: *
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*<<<<<* *<<* *<* | *>* *>>* *>>>>>*
*random* *list*