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*sleepy day. 2002-02-24 11:10 p.m.*

a little bit of the gloominess is going on right now. it's been a very sleepy day for me really. actually, i didn't really go outside or even look outside tonight until after dark, but i heard that it was actually a really beautiful day. i was just sort of revelling in the utter "i have nothing i need to do"ness of the day that i stayed in bed until 2. i'm not sure how much of that was sleep after 10, but it was nice. when i did get up my tummy was a bit questionable, and it has been all day. the state of our kitchen didn't help. fortunately the husband's mom is coming tomorrow so it is being cleaned. but i wound up staying up for all of 3 hours before going back to sleep for a 2 hour nap. i thought i was supposed to have dance practice at 7, so i woke up around then, but i had heard nothing about it from buttercup yet, so i lazed around and called my mom. it wound up being that rehearsal was supposed to be at 7:30, so michael took me on her way to massage tutorial. rehearsal wasn't actually happening at all, however, so i watched the simpsons with them and then went over to jennifer connelly's where i watched the other 2 episodes of the simpsons with putting up signs for the open mic sandwiched in between. and then i came back here and ate with my stomach still feeling pretty off and checked my messages. there was one from the girl who i'm doing the other dance performance with and she gave me her phone number but i misheard it and called about 20 other people at 10:15 which made me superembarrassed. i finally came up with the brilliant idea to call her friend for her number since she's one of the people who has a wall on a potential queer ball day. she gave me the phone number but said she would probably be sleeping and vetoed using her music for queer ball. so now i'm feeling a little gloomy. but i guess i was sort of feeling a little gloomy all day. i wonder why. ah well, i'll be okay.

(link: my recent obsession. it's this shockwave game called collapse. good god, it's addicting. it's a beautiful beautiful evil that is sucking out my soul. i sit here and play it for hours and keep my away message up so i can play undisturbed. now that's sad.)

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