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*can you tell me how to get, how to get to sesame street? 2002-01-02 1:39 p.m.*

this new poll does weird things to my psychology, i have to tell you.

at this point, most of the people have said "no" whether they go to new college or not. but there have been a yes or two, and a "and i still do," but i was looking at my stats and stuff and all points lead to a boy who was just trying to be nice. *shrugs* but i mean, it's not like someone's actually going to make a full crush confession here. and that wasn't really what i was expecting (what i was hoping, a little, but not expecting).

but i get annoyed when people say "no, and you had a crush on me." something along the lines of, "how do you KNOW i had a crush on you? and i mean, i mean, who the hell are you not to have a crush on me!?" as though i'm not the most obvious crush-er in the world, and as though-- like, unless you're a big snob, you have had to have a crush on me.

um, no.

oh, the boredom and neurosis of vacations from school! woo!

(link: the brick testament is far too much fun for one little religion student to stand. it's bible scenes-- made out of legos!)

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