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*i need to get me some exciting calendars. 2002-01-01 1:17 p.m.*

so, i wasn't really expecting too much from new year's. i was thinking of maybe just staying around the house and watching telly, but then my sexy elf mom invited me to visit her for awhile, and so i did, and we watched "recess" and oh brother, where art thou? while she cleaned and stuff. and then pimp came over, and we chatted for a bit, and after he left i asked elfmom who he was and she felt bad for not introducing us. it's weird for me to have new college students who i swear i've never seen before. it does not sit well. anyway, he left to do some things, and then invited the two of us for food, so we went to denny's, where we were scared by the fiberoptic santa and discussed the wonderfulness of hedwig and if i'd be interested in dating an escort. back to campus, where we watched josie and the pussycats, which needs to be turned into a lesbian porn. pimp left and elfmom and i were girly, and then we went out to the party in the crotch. it was fairly unimpressive. batsilver was there, and that was fun (why do i always have the witty repartee with the gay boys, anyway?), and i had some alcohol after i stopped being shy. there were three countdowns to 2002, which was probably the highlight of the whole thing. fondle was there and he took batsilver away, and then fortunately before fondle came back i ran into my husband who was ready to go home. so i did, and there was champagne and muppets and no trivial pursuit, so i was happy... and then i went to bed... but had to get up to use the bathroom at least once every 5 minutes for a long time.

beh. boringest new year entry ever.

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