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*i am not your senorita. i am not from your tribe. i am not from your tribe. 2001-06-05 9:43 p.m.*

i actually just remembered a few other things i'd meant to write about. lets' see if i can actually remember them all...

i love john irving's style of writing, but his themes are so similar, and so odd... bears, vienna, dwarves, people dying, weightlifting men, motorcycles. at least half of those will be in a book, all of them are in this book. such a strange but interesting, talented, funny man.

last night, i got up and got a drink of water, drinking half a 8 fl oz bottle of water at once. tonight i'm drinking the rest, and the bottle tastes like soap. yum.

oh, the other thing i was going to write about, and the reason i have a mix between lots and no qualms about writing a second entry is that i'm trying to decide if i want to try to have written 200 entries, total, by the end of the summer, or if i want to try not to. what do you think?

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*random* *list*