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*i will not let the terrorists win! i will soul search in my diary, retrocarp! i will! 2001-12-20 11:18 a.m.*

i woke up in a fabulous mood this morning. last night was really rough again, during the actual sleeping process. i kept waking up and wanting to cry for absolutely no reason, but i think i kept that to a minimum, and then i woke up earlyish and happy. my body continues to hurt from much travelling over the bed, and i've been crampy, which is weird, because i think it's a little early for that. i'm wondering if it's the caffiene. oh, caffiene. i need to not do the caffiene thing. it's bad bad bad bad bad for me.

my sinuses are a bit weird today. not so happy about that. but! the kitchen's supposed to be clean now. we'll see. the husband started yesterday night, and then got a phone call and went away, so i'm not sure if he finished up or plans to finish up today, or what. but the kitchen better be clean before he leaves, or my mood's going to be one of very righteous anger.

la la la. i don't know what to do with myself and these entries in this good mood. as you can see i keep going back to nitpicking about all the little things wrong with my life. bah to that i say, bah!

i could talk about the cheesy mystery novel i'm reading, and the stack of books next to my bed that i want to read. i feel like i could immerse myself in novel reading land for all of break and january, but i think michalson would beg to differ. gar. thesis. okay, i'm going to talk about novels again, so i stop thinking about how behind i am on that shit ("but everyone's behind on their theses." "you have no idea. no idea at all. exhibit a: i technically just finished my 6th semester. do i have a signed or even remotely filled out thesis prospectus. no i do not. exhibit b: i don't know how long it's supposed to be, nor how long the chapters are supposed to be. everyday i have to give myself a speech about how i should not drop out.... okay, i said i'd get off that topic"). i just talked to james for the first time in days, and she saw the lord of the rings yesterday (funnily enough, we ran into twoof mom's coworkers after h.p., and they were on their way to go, because lord of the rings was all sold out.). that's one of those (or technically 3 of those) books that are piled on my floor waiting to be read. i've read the hobbit 3 times (5th grade, 7th grade, and my first year at new college), always meaning to get through the rest of the books, but i never did it. i'm still not sure if i want to watch the films (k... my perceptions of middle earth are indelibly shaped by that cartoon version with the songs that made me cry in elementary school.), but i think i want to try my hand at reading them over break... no hobbit first. that seems to be my barrier. so, i SWEAR to you, on a stack of unitarian hymnals, that i am not reading them because of the film. argggggh!

*cough* um, anyway. kitten's sweetness has diminished since i cheered up. my hands and feet are once again the enemy. *sigh* what am i going to do with that girl?

okay, i really need to bathe and go eat.

(link:Amnesty International's Campaign to Stop Torture)

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