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*reminiscing again. 2001-07-14 11:23 p.m.*

all my original deep and meaningful thoughts are going to my livejournal. so once again, from the depths of the old journal... from july 14, 2000, some other reminiscing about my first year:Song Quote:

Old Dan Tucker was fine old man;

He washed his face in a frying pan,

He combed his hair with a wagon wheel,

And died with a toothache in his heel.

Get out the way for old Dan Tucker

He's too late to get his supper

Supper's over and breakfast's cooking,

Old Dan Tucker just stands there looking

Folk song


me, you gotta stop crushing on cartoon characters, hon.


In the 3 CD changer today are Loreena McKennit: Book of Secrets, The Cardigans: First Band on the Moon, and Indigo Girls: Swamp Ophelia.


"Daria"'s such a good show. Jane is so cool. (see the message before last)


Okay, I know you're out there! My counter tells me so! Did I miss someone in the Cast? Do you have a favorite journal entry? Do you think my writing style sucks? Do you wanna be my friend? Do you think I hint for people to write back too much? Why don't you tell me?


Just a week left till I go up to Wisconsin. Guess I won't be helping Mom drive.


Too many books. I had it in my head that we'd be going to Wisconsin next Friday, but we're leaving on Tuesday instead, so I have so many books to read in just a week's time. Less, now. So, what do I do, but go online and feed my eyes with online journals (still reading through Glitter and The Mind's I, trying to finish those up before going onto more of my many bookmarked journals that I've read an entry or two in.), instead of this foot-tall stack of books, or any of those I actually own. Silly girl!


So is the Instant Messenger thingy a teapot, or a guy waving with a message bubble over his head.



Still back in the whole reminiscing about New College kick I've been on...

Mom and I drove into the New College parking lot, not entirely sure where to go. We parked in 15 minute parking and went in. There we signed me into my room, and a guy with bushy hair and beard (that would just get bushier) said he'd help us move in. He gave us directions on how to drive around to get to the side of the dorms to unload my stuff. So, we drove around the back and on the grass to this wall where he was standing waiting to help us bring stuff up.

We moved everything in, and thanked him for his help. After he left, Mom commented on what a nice boy he was, and then I started unpacking the basics. A girl came in with a box in her arms, surprised that anyone was there. She said she was JT, my R. A., and then she started pointing and shouting, "You! You! You!" Finally she explained that she knew me from the docent class at Selby Gardens. She had been to one class, and that was the only time I'd ever seen her, so I was surprised she recognized me.

So, she left, and then after getting things set up, Mom and I said our goodbyes and she left. I sat on my bed amazed that I was actually there, that my hard work was paying off. I checked my schedule and after more unpacking, I went down to Sudakoff Center for the beginning of pre-orientation.

Standing in a circle was this group of girls, and one of them waved at me, so I joined them, wondering if I knew her from somewhere as well. But I didn't, and so introductions went around the group. sunshiny, superjew, horns and tail, big hair girl's roommate, some other girls I can't remember, and big hair girl was the one who'd waved at me. I was so relieved, because I felt a little lost. These all seemed like nice girls, and we talked until we got called in to the big auditorium room in Sudakoff. But we couldn't just walk in, no. We had to do this bizarre handshaking game, where we stood in a line, waiting to go in. When we got in, we had to shake hands with every person and tell them our name. And then we had to stand there and shake hands with everyone behind us. It didn't help us remember any names except maybe those of the people next to us (timesarrow and merrily), and it was sort of dull, but I was so excited.

The rest of that preorientation week goes in a blur where I don't remember the exact order of things and I know I'm missing something, but there are a lot of memories packed in there.

The best bagel I ever had. It tasted like the spatzel dumplings my dad made for chicken paprikash and soup.

Talking to dirtyhippie about Muppets over dinner, and getting surprised when he got angry discovering that there was cheese in the sauce (he was the first vegan I met), and then getting angry myself finding out the lemonade was Crystal Light (I can't have Nutra Sweet-- it does unspeakable things to my bladder.)

Asking a few people if I could sit by them, and one of them answering that it was fine, if I didn't mind sitting by a gay guy. Me saying, "no, that doesn't bother me." Hah!

Sitting under a tree that earthworm and dirtyhippie were in, with groper sitting next to me, learning about New College from dirtyhippie, the only one who had been there the year before. Also learning about how much of an activist one can be. Then learning how to sneak over to the Ringling grounds, and showing everyone the stone table the always creeps me out. And then walking groper back to her room, just in time for her roommate to drive up, so we helped her move in.

Discovering theatre of the oppress, and having fun with the theatre games until someone, while running in one of them, stomped on my barefoot toe, with a boot. Stephanie walked me to the bathroom, and I was amazed at how caring she was over a little bit of bleeding.

Talking to bruby about Spice Girls and the fact that some schools have a major in Pop Culture.

Playing fun games with my preorientation leaders and knowing I wanted to do that next year. Some of the games were a little cheezy, but those were only the ones Alena made them do. We played fun ones, too, and it was so nice and cozy and friendly. Meeting fraggle with his big bushy beard. Getting confused if it was him or cat stevens that was bruby's roommate.

Writing my first journal entry at New College.

Feeling like I had finally come home.


Everything seemed so idyllic and perfect. And my roommate and I had had 2 LONG conversations on the phone, so we would definitely get along. I mean, for gosh sakes, she said she had magenta hair! I wanted magenta hair!

And then, it was orientation, and I was getting the brochures and info from that when I see a thin girl with reddish hair come in, and immediately I knew it was her, and that she was nothing like how I imagined.

(are the code names too much?)

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