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*snyder's of hanover. america's pretzel bakery since 1909. 2001-05-27 11:20 a.m.*

"he's going the distance. he's going for speed. she's all alone (all alone) in her time of need."

i fell asleep to cake last night. well, i fell asleep long after cake finished, but i went to bed to cake. i fell asleep long after cake had finished, because it suddenly has become very difficult to fall asleep without someone to wrap myself around.

but should i complain? no i should not. because i have a purring kitten in my lap, and although she keeps scratching my arm because it's moving and well that's just asking for it, it is good.

i wish i knew where my foodcard/key was. i had them somewhere. i put them in one of those "i'll put this here so i don't forget where i put it" places, i think. but i don't know where that was. very traumatizing. i hope housing guy got my email about checking out at 4, because i need to talk to him about my walls. they were painted blue years ago, and i think i might now be the person responsible for them. but i never signed a thing, and the girl before me never signed a thing... so hopefully i can get out of it.

oh. *laughs* i just found the foodcard/key wallet. it was in my barbie bag. i decided to check one more time, and there it was right at the top. silliness.

my room is about twothirds-packed but it's at that stage where there's not a lot of room for movement so it's difficult to get to things. i also have this very large box that i'm not sure if i should use. my mom sold her truck a month ago (it was very very sad. she loves her truck. but it was costing too much to drive to and from work (mom lives in venice. work is selby gardens)) and so we aren't sure how this is going to work out. i'm thinking garbage bags are the way to go because they can mold themselves around other things. but this box is just calling for me to use it. oh, i hope it all fits in the car! this packing business is making me too sad! fortunately for productivity's sake, my bed is too covered in stuff for me to curl up in it and whimper. but the pretzel pieces are right here. they are almost gone.

oh! good stuff. i talked to my sissy online last night. i hadn't heard from her in months and months. she's doing well. she's still at home, living with her girl, moving to georgia at the end of the summer. she's graduating high school this friday which completely flips me out. she is not my biological sister or sister by marriage or anything. we met when i was a senior in high school and she was a freshman. it's way too weird that she is older than i was when i met her. how did that happen?

my kitten is soooo asleep. i want to sleep, too.

i am talking to deathfag online right now. i asked him where he was originally from because he's staying around this summer and next year, and we wound up talking about being raised in homophobic places and stuff. good ole rothschild wisconsin, thank you for making me who i am. but i still can't visit you without feeling physically choked.

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