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*i am just a poor boy, though my story's seldom told. 2001-05-28 8:57 p.m.*

kitten is chasing her tail in the litter box. she has decided that the litter pan bags must not be folded over the edges, but they must instead have a bit where she can play between the bag and the pan. which is what she is doing now.

i am listening to simon and garfunkel. i'd like to be doing email things, but the server is being pissy. it's actually probably a mix between my mom's 1997 computer and the server. it keeps telling me that yahoo is down, but i don't think that's true. i've seen yahoo down before and it doesn't act like this.

thank you, someone-ha, for signing my guestbook. it made my evening. that's pretty sad, huh.

i started reading watership down tonight. i've never read it, but i have read tailchaser's song which i've heard is very similar, and mrs. frisby and the rats of nimh so i am not entirely a cultural heathen.

my final paper of the semester is done. it's short, but i think i like it. it's an odd mix of mill, nietzsche, and a feminist ethics of care, but i think i like it. i hope i pass that class. i went so rarely, and it basically all relies on these 2 papers. and this class is the last that's required for my major, and i'd really like to just have it done. but it's very short.

i want my nose and my throat to be happy. please?

i think i will write a letter or 2 tonight. and read more. it will be cozy. i heart cozy.

*listening to: *
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