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*and like pink, her rug's in the closet. 2002-06-08 6:50 p.m.*

last night, i got home, and got all into my ready for bed online vegging mode. i read email and stuff and then at about 11:00 i got an email from blackbird about a party at her house that started at 8. so, i called, but there was no answer, but i decided to walk over anyway, despite the fact that i had to work today at 10 am. but it was a good time. i felt socially awkward a bit, just because my only social interactions have been with my housemates or the people i do surveys with, except for the funeral last weekend, for the past 2 weeks. so yeah, this was a nice change from that. i got to watch people huff goldschlager! and many fun things were said.

blackbird: "just think, 2 weeks ago, i was rolling around loving the rug."

me: "guys, i have to love the rug before i leave. i mean, well, i sort of already do love the rug, but you know what i mean."

blackbird: "my poor rug is in the closet. it needs to be loved, but it's so messy. oh, that story i was going to tell you. those boys that just came in, my new roommate just invited them at winn-dixie. they came up to her and were like, 'do you like weed?'"

me: *LOUD laugh*

someone else: "what's so funny?"

blackbird: "oh, secret things."

me: *continues giggling*

retro: "what could you be laughing at?"

me: "actually, right now, i'm laughing about closeted rugs that need to be loved. send them to me!"

someone i don't know: "what kind of a person brings 2 cases of beer to a party, and then leaves? 'cause i want them at my party."

blackbird: "maybe it's a hungarian tradition."

guy from winn dixie: "have you ever been with a black woman?"

pav: "um, no, actually i haven't."

guy from winn dixie: "what about a hispanic woman?"

pav: "no."

guy from winn dixie, about blackbird: "she's pink!"

everyone: *laughs and then talks about something else*

me: *whispering to retro* "i have to say this, though the time has passed already, but it's too funny to keep to myself... he said she was pink, and like pink, her rug's in the closet."

retro: *laughs*

me: "okay, i'm going to sit and be quiet again now in my little corner."

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