*new* *old* *me* *rings* *email* *host* *you* *notes* *best*
*interview* *tests*

*Silken pig tofu, The color of spanked buttocks Blushing at my knife. 2001-12-29 1:56 p.m.*

and we have malraux to thank for that bit of spam wisdom. in my mailbox today, i got spam-ku: tranquil reflections on luncheon loaf collected by the spam haiku archive master (!), john nagamichi cho.

i just got off work. we got off about 2 hours early. woo! and i got my paycheck, which bites in its own way, because it was supposed to be direct deposit, but i have money in my bank to last me through the credit card payment i sent out, so i shall not worry just yet. my husband says he will be going towards my bank soonish anyway.

now i have off till thursday, and i don't quite know what to do with myself. i'm running out of blank tapes (before break, i had over 20, now i have 6, i think it is. i feel so productive. now if only i could expend that much energy on academic pursuits).

and now young jesus is online, so i will be talking to him, and closing this.

(link: the religious movements homepage, a great resource if you want a brief overview of a specific denomination or something. weeeee!)

*listening to: *
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*<<<<<* *<<* *<* | *>* *>>* *>>>>>*
*random* *list*