*new* *old* *me* *rings* *email* *host* *you* *notes* *best*
*interview* *tests*

*quoting oneself is so passe. 2002-02-05 12:55 a.m.*

"damn, i want to write deep things, meaningful things-- to save and to share. i want to have something worthwhile to share with the world, but lately i don't even feel like i am enough to share with the world."

my kitten bit my lip today. it did not bleed, but at first i thought it was.

yoga is a good thing. yes, in an unexpected way, and i've even done it before. and tomorrow i will kick some boxes. or something.

i think i have jelly on my elbow. freezer-burned toast can bite my toe.

passe like a fox!

*listening to: *
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*random* *list*