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*i can't believe i actually said "cunt muffin." 2002-02-03 8:53 p.m.*

i'm going to start making my wall tapes now. i just went through step one which was to look through my cds and tapes for possible songs, write their names on small pieces of paper and put the pile on my floor. next i'm going to draw them one by one from the pile and make a pretty much randomized bunch of wall tapes. i've actually got one song already picked to go first, because my latest crush object sort of requested it when we were talking yesterday, so i'm starting the whole shebang off with that. the other thing that gets in the way of randomizing is that i generally pick way more songs than could ever go on a wall, and so by the end i have to go through and make sure i don't miss any of the "essentials," and a lot get tossed out.

so kids, i will be half-assedly taking greek during my semester off. well, probably quarter-assedly, as i took it half-assedly last semester. i feel so silly taking any classes at all when i don't need to and technically am "not allowed" but... i want to be in 3rd semester greek when i come back, and there are other more dorky reasons.

i've been having some crush drama in my life lately that would usually be plastered all over this diary, but for some reason i feel very self-conscious about it, i'm more aware of the public venueness of this than i generally am. i can plaster livejournal with detailed descriptions of post-work breakdowns, but i can't write about crushes in here anymore. i'm weird.

i wish i'd been able to spend more time with refreaka. maybe i'll call michael's house before i do this walltapeness.

*listening to: *
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*random* *list*