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*i've done nothing today. i mean, i was busy as fuck. but really, i did nothing. 2002-09-06 1:52 a.m.*

i am so unproductive these days. but i feel like my room is finally becoming my own, and someday the bookstore will chill the fuck out, and hopefully this will help me in the productivity realm.

hm... what to write about. i don't know. i'm so frustratingly tired right now that i'm not even entirely sure how to speak, but i wanted to log this unproductivity. this is where i am right now, this floaty state of nonfocus. even my slacking is unproductive. which sounds right, but i mean, there's plenty of things i could be doing for me, but instead i wind up jumping around the main room and yelling with the roommates or just staring at my wall.


*listening to: *
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*random* *list*