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*shattered father for sale. anybody want him? 2002-09-06 5:19 p.m.*

he got into another car wreck (this would be the 3rd), and was at manatee memorial (where i was born). he "took some pills" and got sent to manatee glens. after he got out, he was planning to go home, take a shower, and regroup... except that his wife told him that he wasn't allowed to stay there. he has an injunction against him from her and she has changed her phone number. so he lived on the street, and stayed with a couple of friends as well, but so many of them were so into drugs that he felt it wasn't good to stay with them. i think this was when he took some pills again (the chronology and circumstances are as blurry in my mind as his voice was on the phone), and got sent to manatee memorial again where they pumped his stomach and after awhile there got put in the psych ward where he is now. he will soon be sent to a detox kind of thing in naples for 28 days, but really doesn't know what to do with himself after that. his sister came and yelled at him at some point during this whole thing, and i know he was totally fucked up when he was "helping" his mom, so i yeah... i feel like his only tie to anything right now. i really don't want to be that.

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