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*crispy me. 2002-03-20 6:00 p.m.*

i feel crispy.

i hung out in palm court with retro and co, celebrating the passing of her bacc, drinking in the sun. by 2 we were all pretty sleepy and stuff, so i wandered over the jennifer connelly's, where i curled up in a ball on her floor. a little later i made it up to her bed, but then i kept having to pee. at one point, i looked in the bathroom mirror and my cheeks were so pink. i'm not super sunburnt, but my face is not what most would call pale right now. and i think that contributed to the sense of utter exhaustion that has been hitting me since the time out in the sun.

no, i did not do yoga. no, i did not kickbox. i napped. i napped long and i napped hard. i'm feeling a little excessively lazy, but i think it's okay.

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