*new* *old* *me* *rings* *email* *host* *you* *notes* *best*
*interview* *tests*

*no academic ass suckage here. 2001-11-12 9:49 p.m.*

the paper is done, and now i want to do something exciting. i want to call michael but the phone is tired out and not wanting to work long enough to dial her phone number. when it gets tired it takes anywhere from 5-10 button pressings to get any single digit to work. i think i will get carpal tunnel from that (rather than the typing of the mental masturbation of paper writing or just plain masturbation). my brain feels fried by this paper-writing business. i want to do something thrilling, though rather sedentary. really, though, i should be more active than i am. and i eat so much bad bad bad food. but it's such good bad food. more racquetball and dancing should be had.

this is uberdull, but i wanted to let the world know that the paper is done. i do not suck ass academically.

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