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*church and new college-dar. 2001-07-08 5:33 p.m.*

i forgot to say.

mom and i went to church together this morning. she had today off. actually she's had since thursday off, and things have been remarkably calm. yay! but yeah, we went to church and the female minister did the sermon and it was so beautiful. it was about christianity as love, which yeah, that's what it's all about. she told this really distressing joke at the beginning though, but she was like, "this is an AWFUL story!" before she told it. it was about this woman who had a salesman come to her door and she kept trying to slam the door on him and it kept bouncing back and finally the salesman was like, "um, ma'am, before you do that again, you might want to move the cat." *grown* but then she later told this beautiful story about how someone whe knew had gone to this family who requested that they baptise their stillborn child. he didn't know what to do, but then he just took a tissue and wiped the mother's tears, the father's tears, and his tears, and baptised the child with them. but yeah, i thought the service was beautiful, and there was some really nice music, though the soloist was pretty intense, and her music was really really slow and drawn out. ah, well.

when i was jacksonville, i went to the uu church there and james and i were both visitors so we introduced ourselves, and one of the other visitors was merrily, from school. why do new college students always find each other. it's so bizarre. i saw a girl who graduated last year in the starbucks in cambridge when i was there. it's weirder than gay-dar.

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