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*sometimes it's funny talking to my mom about things. 2001-08-07 10:06 p.m.*

mom just got back from wisconsin today and she gave me pumpkin jelly bellies! and stickers! woo!

but somehow the conversation turned to drug experiences. actually, i mentioned to mom my nervousness about tsk's reliability at selby considering how many mushrooms he's been doing, especially since mom's already got scolded once, because my "friend" was late to the museum. and she started talking about the times that she's done mushrooms. like one time when shortly after my parents were married, my dad and one of his friends gave mom a daquiri with mushrooms in it, without her knowing. she said as soon as she tasted it she knew something was up. and then i told her about the time i did acid. and then we talked about x, and how she did it once when i was about 7 or 8 with the women we were living with at the "hippy commune" at the time, and how she really didn't like it. it was because dad was around, but she'd recently found out he was cheating on her, so she was chemically predisposed to trust him and stuff, but how she knew all kinds of yucky stuff in the back of her head.

i feel like most people don't really have conversations like this with their mom. it's funny, because during a lot of this time i was a dare kid.

i don't know what it is about wisconsin trips that get mom and i all confessional with each other. last year, i went with her, and we wound up passing the house where she had lost her virginity, and she told me about that, and it was right after the exish had become the exish, and i told mom about how we'd had sex and stuff. and somehow we wound up talking about that time when she almost died from too much coke, and she was lying on the floor praying to just live. that was the first time i'd heard that story, but i've heard it a time or two since. each time she makes herself seem a little less blameless. in the first time it sounded like the only time she'd ever done coke, but apparently, it was just the last time she ever did it. i was about five or six and she'd done it through most of my childhood up to that point.

yay for the oblivion of childhood, no?

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