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*and my shoulder inexplicably hurts. 2001-08-05 10:41 p.m.*

i feel like i need to update, but i don't know what about.

i spent my mornings this week teaching a bunch of 7-12 year olds about the bible. or desparately trying to teach a bunch of 7-12 year olds about the bible, and just being happy if they sat in their seats long enough to do craft projects and paid attention and didn't crawl through the tunnel they made of the excess furniture in our classroom. but really honestly and truly, i love kids. they drive me crazy, and i do much better with them in small doses, but i think they're great. unfortunately i got sick midweek and was battling a cold the last few days. the only real plus side has been taking advantage of my father's guilt and getting him to come by and bring me orange juice. today the kids led the service in church, and i was so sick when i woke up that i didn't want to go, but i'm so glad i did. i was so proud of them, and the church gave me a rose, and it was my last sunday there, so i'm glad i went. i will actually miss it a great deal.

... well, kitten just knocked over the glass i had my rose in, breaking it into a trillion million pieces. *sigh*

i'll be visiting james on friday. i keep thinking wednesday and then getting all sad when i remember that it's not. but i can do it. gar, i'm ridiculous. i'll actually be leaving her house a week before she comes to new college. but when i purchased the ticket, i didn't think i could wait that long at all. i'm really glad to see her, but it's embarassing sort of that i needed to see her that badly. ah well... kids these days.

um... there was another loud noise... this time kitten knocked over the fan. how did she get evil?

i've been all nostalgic for new college. i keep hearing '80's songs and really jonesing for a wall. i want to throw one this year for real. i was in england in the fall, and then got too late to signups in the spring, but i will have a wall. and it will beat the one my second year. maybe i will dress like james dean. i realized i totally have the clothes for it.

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