*new* *old* *me* *rings* *email* *host* *you* *notes* *best*
*interview* *tests*

*she has everything and she'll give it to you in a second. 2001-12-27 11:48 p.m.*

i just got the blue screen of DEATH while writing an entry here... so.... i'm not sure how detailed this will be. grrrrrar!

anyway... i had a whole bunch of fun last night. it's weird hanging out with that group, because... well, i didn't really hang out with people in high school. especially not here. in wisconsin, i'd spend a lot of time at different people's houses and farms and stuff, but back in florida, i really only hung out with best friend and she didn't go to my high school. it was weird being with these people as they recounted old times at different houses and restaurants and things, and really, my only interactions with them was in classes. almost all of them were in band together, and those who weren't were in guard or whatever... i was in chorus. and i wasn't in the chorus ingroup, either. i'm not complaining really, except you know, some sad nostalgia for opportunities missed because of shyness etc.

but it was good. i got to see some people i've really wanted to hear from (including an old crush, who's still crushable, in my opinion, though her sexual preference is unknown), and some people i'd virtually forgotten about. some people i didn't recognize, even after i was told their names and things, but of coruse the best part was seeing shyboy. he's no longer shy, and he's flaming, and so of course that warmed my little dykeling heart. and oo! he and this girl i was friends with and this girl i hardly know at all and who i took all night to remember what she looked like in high school... are all going to seattle in about a year. oh, baby! (i was bound for mexico.... you you've got what i need... etc.) good times, starshine.

(link: another beautiful nondiaryland journal that i've been reading since forever ago. heyoka rocks my world kids. a must read!)

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