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*are you jesus without the nails? 2002-04-22 11:48 a.m.*

i'm taking down the poll, until i can figure out some fun one that people won't feel the need to vote for the same one over and over again. either that or there's a computer malfunction going on, but either way, it's frustrating for me. if you want aardwolf or werewolf to win, make your own poll. i mean, i know it's no big deal, who wins, but 1st off, why vote for the same thing over and over again, except to show that you yourself really like it, that doesn't prove anything, and the other thing is i get email updates for every vote, because i'm curious to see what people vote for at specific times, and i don't like getting 50 emails all saying "werewolf" or now "aardwolf." i like the wolves and everything, but beh, someone's immaturity is annoying me, so i'm going to do the mature thing, stick my tongue out at them and remove the darn thing.

meanwhile, i've done pretty much absolutely nothing since my last entry. i had a fab shower and some really good time with u2. i wrote some stuff, and then fell asleep at 11:30. then i woke up at 11:30. well, i woke up earlier and probably would also have gotten out of bed earlier had i not had my kitten chewing on my face. but that made me want to sleep and avoid it for as long as possible, so i just got up, and now as soon as michael gets here we're going to dance practice, and so i'm going to go now.

*listening to: *
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