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*in my dreams i'm jealous all the time. 2002-05-26 9:48 p.m.*

another fascinating day in the summer life of the me.

i woke up to john knocking on my door, because i'd asked that he let me know when he went to do laundry. so i filled up my basket, grabbed some reading material, and got in the car. admitted that i'll probably have to borrow money to make rent this month. paid for new detergent with the last three dollar bills i'll be seeing till i'm thinking at least the 15th, after smelling all the cheap ones and deciding that the nonscented version was the least offensive. used all of my quarters on a double washer and 27 minutes in a drier. i read and watched two little girls and their moms. one of the girls was about two and the other one was probably four, and so the one would toddle around, and the other one would try and pick her up and the mom would scold her. and then the little one got put in a carrier and the other one rocked her really hard until finally one of the women told her to stop shaking her sister. the two kids were absolutely adorable and i smiled at them (oh, btw, i finally talked to prof. ryan at graduation and told her how much i love her and her partner's kids, and so she introduced me to her daughter and i told her i was honored to meet her and she sucked her fist). the older girl would smile at me whenever she was doing things, because, even though i was reading, i was paying more attention to her than the women who were used to her antics were.

then i came home, did a little yoga, and have been reading and doing very little else since then. i tied up the ribbons for the last few of my zines, and stuffed a few more into envelopes, and watched seinfeld and ate. and played lots of neopets.

i want to not be wearing clothes right now. but it's so hot that my skin is sticky and gross and i don't think that the naked would be such a good idea, really. but it's too hot to wear clothes. but i'm too sweaty to not.

but as well all know it's hard to hide a hundred girls in your hair.

500th entry swiftly approaching. i'll be wearing your tattoo. you're already in there.

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