*new* *old* *me* *rings* *email* *host* *you* *notes* *best*
*interview* *tests*

*nothing deep and insightful here. move along. 2002-05-25 11:48 p.m.*

so yeah, 5 hours of work today. i made it. i did okayish, could have done better could have done worse. ready to go home all day, read a zine.

then i came home and unloaded everything out of my backpack and went to campus to get the food and ream of paper that was in jennifer connelly's room. it was after 6, but still kind of hot, but i walked to campus, and took a detour to the 3rd floor of goldstein for one last visit to all the girls up there. but i wound up just talking to dykesscent, because everyone else was asleepish. but we had a really nice little chat and i got her email so that's kind of exciting. and then i went downstairs and filled my bag full of stuff and walked home.

and then i came home, made a frozen pizza and watched british sitcoms. my life is so fascinating. but no, it's been an alright day.

my husband and i were debating whether there would be anything going on on campus tonight, and we decided that it was unlikely because, even though people will still be around, it's like that thing when you're talking to someone and then you walk away and run into them a few minutes later and you aren't sure what to say to them at all, and it's all awkward and stuff.

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