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*i feel like such a stud. but i mean, how can i? it's just an impotent penis that sticks to the wall. 2002-05-06 11:38 p.m.*

i have been so sleepy all day. it hasn't been a bad day at all, but whenever i had any sort of time alone, i just wanted to curl up and sleep. i sort of dozed off a bunch of places on campus, but i don't think i ever had a nap. not at all sure why i was even sleepy. i got plenty of sleep. and outside of the dead tiredness of today, it was nice. i got to hang out with a bunch of my favorite people at different times, having chats and things. i really am of that "one on one conversation" ilk, and whenever i get asked a question in an online test on something like that, that's what i put.

but yeah, yawning now. again and again. even though i had food, so it wasn't a hungry tired, though i was so hungry for awhile there. michael and i drove around looking for someplace new and exciting to eat, but just wound up going to pacific rim, which was good, but not really exciting or new.

i wish i had some sort of interesting thing to write about here, but really it's all just that i'm sleepy. oh, and that my mom signed her most recent email, "kittymom."

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