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*yes, my breasts are real, so is my penis. i heart alf. a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle. honeypot. 2002-05-07 12:55 p.m.*

pretty ambivalent about today. it hasn't really started on the best note. and i have to work today, so i mean, it's not looking too promising. but who knows. it hasn't been a completely bad day, just not that impressive.

i woke up, piddled around online, ate a bagel. walked to campus. got hot and sweaty and tired. talked to jennifer connelly and found out she didn't want to kick boxes. went to the gym. opened the door, saw the water fountain was broken, walked back outside to the water fountain by the pool. went back inside and used the restroom. am now riding the crimson wave. cursed and pouted and then realized that this means it will basically be under control by saturday so i won't be a very grumpy birthday girl. but yeah, period now. went into the aerobics room. found out class was cancelled. came home. got buttons in the mail.

so yeah, not bad day, but not really all that superfantastic either. yay for buttons and talking to jennifer connelly, but the rest of the day really didn't need to happen. i didn't need to walk to campus for no reason in this bloody heat that makes me dizzy especially when i'm bleeding. that didn't need to happen at all.

oh yes, and did i mention i woke up with a mysterious sore throat this morning? beh.

can i start today over and have it not be gimpy? i'll just get my buttons and talk to jennifer connelly and skip my period this month as a birthday present, how about that?

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