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*interview* *tests*

*you did say it would be funny. 2002-01-23 1:43 p.m.*

ilovetempeh: what was your distressing situation?

esoteroticism: oh... so there's this girl at planetout who apparently goes to new college who i'd never seen before, so i had to investigate.

esoteroticism: so i went to her room and knocked on her door.

ilovetempeh: wow, that's bold

esoteroticism: she had said i should come by after i emailed her.

esoteroticism: it wasn't like i hunted her down or anything.

esoteroticism: i guess i picked the wrong time, though.

ilovetempeh: that is really weird though

ilovetempeh: what's her name?

esoteroticism: this guy who seemed very... hicklike... answered the door, and i asked for her, and he said she was in the bed...

esoteroticism: which is really weird?

ilovetempeh: that's really strange

esoteroticism: and i walked into the room, and she was in the bed facing away from me, with her pants halfway down her ass, and i was like, "hm... well... i think i interrupted something."

esoteroticism: and he was like, "this girl just came by."

ilovetempeh: that is the strangest thing i've ever heard!!!

esoteroticism: and so she turned around and i told her i was that girl who emailed her. and she said, "what's up?" and i was like, "um, well, nothing, i just thought i'd stop by, but you seem busy, so i think i'm going to go."

esoteroticism: and then she just stared at me. and the guy asked if i was 21.

ilovetempeh: what?????

esoteroticism: i said, yeah, and he asked me to buy him beer.

ilovetempeh: this just gets stranger and stranger

ilovetempeh: you need to write about this in your diary or something

esoteroticism: but i didn't have my id with me and i told him that, and then i was like, "okay, i'm going to go now.

esoteroticism: and i did.

ilovetempeh: how very strange

esoteroticism: and then i went and walked around for awhile, and went back to michael's room, where for some reason i really just needed a hug, and when she gave me one i started sobbing. i don't know when i suddenly became so socially awkward. though it was an awkward position anyway.

esoteroticism: bu

esoteroticism: but i really don't know why it made me cry.

ilovetempeh: yeah, i don't think the awkwardness is your fault

esoteroticism: i could post it in this form.

ilovetempeh: that would be funny

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