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*all you strange rock and rollers. you know you're doing all right. so hold on to each other, you better hold on tonight. 2002-01-24 4:38 a.m.*

too much of the fun today. thrift store-ness, and vintage storeness, and a lady who crawled over furniture and lamps and things to reach for the coolest green hat ever for me. and rainbow cool almost make me look pregnant but that's okay dresses. and traumatic moments in goodwill dressing rooms that made me do things i didn't think i would do again. but fun finds with patches and a very harold (and maude) robe... and beauty supply storeness, and spending too long trying to figure out where the damn lightener was, but yay for purple dye. and excitement in the land of dying one's own hair and other people's hair and trying not to campaign too much for the excitement of someone chopping off their hair and dying it blue.

and of course the hedwigness. hours and hours of hedwig goodness. tonight, we watched the deleted scenes as well, and "whether you like it or not" which is all about the making of hedwig. so exciting. so much cute john cameron mitchell sparkly eyeness. and the whole harold and maude thing at the beginning of the making of. and the cute little tiny boy singing oh canada in a german accent! good lord! and the gay boys getting cuter and cuter. and wanting to invite them to campus and trying to figure out which boys we'd allow them to kiss. and how they should be part of our universe, basically so that they can kiss each other. and good chattiness involving willowtree as well, and just some real nice fun times. and tomorrow i will do some productive things and go back to the thrift store and go to work. boo for work. but it's money and yay for money. i got a raise kids.

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